Crack Mapping & Dilapidation Surveys

Concrete Crack Mapping

1. Crack Mapping

Face Consultants can undertake recording surveys for cracking or defects in slabs. Mapping the extent of these cracks or defects provides a base record on which future surveys can be measured against.

Alternatively, the recording survey can help our team of experts to assess any underlying issues with the concrete floor.

It can sometimes be difficult to determine the cause of a crack by simply looking at a crack in isolation.

What is Concrete Crack Mapping?

Crack Mapping is the mapping out of cracks on a plan including joint locations, joint types and any points of restraint in order to help build a useful picture as to why they have occurred and what to do about them.

Cracking in Concrete Floors

Warehouse Floor Cracks

There is a risk of cracking in all concrete floors.

This risk increases with the size of the cast bays and distance between stress relief joints.

Jointless floors have a higher risk of cracking than jointed floors but, in comparison to joints and their associated maintenance, the acceptance of some cracking might be preferable.

Pile-supported floors, constructed in large areas with fewer stress relief joints, have a higher risk of cracking.

Causes of Cracking

Concrete Floor Crack

Cracking is often associated with slab restraint during drying shrinkage (the contracting of hardened concrete due to the loss of capillary water).

Less common are cracks occurring because of overloading or structural inadequacy. Some restraint-induced cracks could have structural implications because of their position in relation to applied loads.

The earlier the loads are applied, the greater the risk of cracking due to restraint to shrinkage and/or load-induced stresses. Early loading can cause pinning of the slab to the sub-base.

Cracking can be mitigated by consideration of the following:

Controlling Industrial Slab Cracking

Providing a fully independent service, Face Consultants can undertake a complete critical review of the Design Engineer’s Flooring Proposals to help control cracking of the slab.

Works include critical evaluation of joint layout, construction details, and full structural analysis of the designed slab thickness and reinforcement.

2. Dilapidation Surveys

Dilapidated Warehouse Floor

Dilapidations Surveys, also known as Condition Reports, are comprehensive surveys carried out to record the condition of an existing concrete floor slab.

Dilapidation surveys usually look at surface damage, excessive staining, and contamination, as well as wear and tear on the floor slab before starting refurbishment works, or for new tenants entering a tenancy agreement. They may also be used when work is being done on adjacent buildings if there is the potential to impact on the building, through demolition or new construction.

The Dilapidation surveys Face Consultants offer range from surface condition through to full structural investigations and analysis.

Assessment of Existing Concrete Floors

The focus of the assessment will be on joints, durability, flatness, and loading, to determine the success of the floor in a working environment. The condition of the floor surface and joints will be provided by a visual conditioning report. The flatness and loading requirements will be dependent on the current or intended use of the floor.


Delaminated Concrete Floor


Stained Industrial Warehouse Floor

Dilapidation survey results are also useful when planning floor maintenance strategies.


Dilapidation surveys may also be useful in providing protection against erroneous floor or structural damage claims for builders, previous tenants, and owners.

Contact us today to discuss your crack mapping or dilapidation survey requirements.

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Crack Mapping and Dilapidation Surveys

Crack Mapping & Dilapidation Surveys

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